Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Announcing A New Dermatology Journal, Focused on Free, Open-Access, High-Quality Research

This issue highlights a review of hidradenitis suppurativa developing in a peristomal location.





Using Open-source software, and free hosting from OSU Libraries, we intend, to show that the current academic publishing model does not have to be as it currently is. We have created a brief table to show how we are different than the current model.

                                          Standard Publishing                 Publishing with Academic Dermatology

Cost for Open Access        $400-$2000                                          FREE

Publisher                             For-Profit                                             Non-Profit

Copyright                            Retained by the publisher                Retained by the RESEARCHER

Journal Software                Proprietary                                          Open-Source

Reviewers                            Uncompensated                                 Uncompensated but will receive recognition                                                                                                                                         to join our editorial board.

Published: 2023-07-24
